meet emily


A born and raised Minnesotan currently based in the surrounding Twin Cities area, my heart lives for the natural world. Though I grew up in the suburbs, a large part of my soul has always been tethered to the outdoors; weekend trips to the hunting cabin where mud was our middle name, learning to swim at Papa’s lake, and many days on the river where the sun painted our skin gold… This list goes on. Now, that part of me is only amplified, and I have new dreams arising to continue adventuring to those places where stars shine brightest and the moon is the only flashlight you need. Where the air is crisp and you can taste the pine in the air, or where the ocean is so endlessly grand you feel as little as the specks of sand beneath your feet.

And even now, I can feel it’s only just the beginning…

about me...

OBSESSED with trader joe's poptarts

i have a degree in english-writing

I’ve seen all but the last episode of Friends (don’t want it to be over)

give me all the 80s movies + music

My sweet rescue cat is partially blind & deaf

80% of my closet is thrifted

Drink of choice: iced matcha latte w/ 3 pumps of chai

As a photographer, I have fallen deeply in love with the art of storytelling. Anywhere and everywhere they are unfolding, being told in beautiful, lasting ways that will forever hold the power to time travel, to stop the clock altogether. It is my dream to do the same, to capture them as they are so that together we have the chance to look back and relive those special moments, never to be forgotten. At the end of the day, it is my goal for you to know this simple truth: you have beauty, my friend, and your story is worthy of being given a voice.  

But most of all, my heart lives for the Lord. I seek to find Him in all of this, in the places I go, the people I meet, the wonders of this earth that He has so masterfully created. This includes His most precious creationyou. In my short time here on earth I have grown to know the vast love God has for me and His people, and even as I write this now I am still learning how deep His passion is to know us, and for us to know Him. In everything I do, the glory and credit will always go to Him, and I couldn’t be more thankful to serve a God who loves so unconditionally. If anything, it is my greatest hope that you leave here today encouraged with the knowledge that whoever you are and wherever you’re at, you are loved, and that I am here in your corner rooting and cheering you on in this crazy life. If you would like someone to partner with you in prayer, or be your own personal cheerleader and hype woman, I would be more than happy to do so. My dear friend, you are so loved!!


hi friend,
im glad youre here